Study Nursing as an International Student
Become a Enrolled Nurse, Registered Nurse, or Nurse Practitioner
Nursing can lead to skilled migration
Nursing is a possible path to permanent residency. Your education counsellor will provide information and links on how this all works. Nurses are in high demand globally, so this is a promising career.
Our service is 100% FREE
We help you chose what & where to study, manage your enrolment paperwork, and help you prepare for your subclass 500. Remove the confusion and let us look after everything - at no charge to you.
Scholarships may be available
Tuition ranges from $30,000 - $90,000 depending on the program & institution, over the usual time frame of 1.5 years for a diploma, and up to to 3 years for the bachelor. Tuition is paid in instalments.
Work while you study
As a student, you can work 48 hours in a 2 week period, and full time in the school holidays. Your course(s) will also include work placements in hospitals, to put what you are learning into action.